Today marks Earth Day 2021 — a time for meaningful action for our planet. This is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which presents a nice synergy, as we head into our own 50th anniversary year at UWCSEA. Our mission, from the earliest days of our movement, has been for peace and sustainability — with education as the force to achieve those aims. How apt then, that today (among many other related activities) we held a workshop on environmental sustainability across the College, mapping the many areas of work being led by students, educators and families across the College, as we seek to tell our story on environmental sustainability for our anniversary year, and beyond.
At the start of the meeting, it was very inspiring to hear from colleagues as they shared their respective "aha" moments, the moment at which they realised that they must prioritise their personal and professional commitment to the most sustainable solutions.
I look forward to sharing more in the near future!
The world is facing a climate crisis — with the planet in flux, we need all concerned, of all backgrounds, contributing to the debate and dialogue and working collaboratively to find common solutions to common challenges. Earth Day is all about drawing in these different voices, and particularly enabling youth to shoulder the challenge of threats to environmental and human health, and to leverage new ways to drive meaningful change. This year, we will see world leaders come together at COP26 with the aim of uniting and around a new, global focus on tackling the most urgent issues of climate change. This is both exciting, and scary— but an imperative we must all as individuals, as teams, as a College find a way to commit to if we are to succeed.