[fa icon="calendar'] 24 Dec 2021 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, 50th anniversary, education for peace, UWC mission, #globalgoals, gender equity
[fa icon="calendar'] 1 Sep 2021 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, 50th anniversary, education for peace, UWC mission, #globalgoals, gender equity
[fa icon="calendar'] 22 Apr 2021 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, #globalgoals, sustainable future, green plan 2030, COP26
Today marks Earth Day 2021 — a time for meaningful action for our planet. This is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, which presents a nice synergy, as we head into our own 50th anniversary year at UWCSEA. Our mission, from the earliest days of our movement, has been for peace and sustainability — with education as the force to achieve those aims. How apt then, that today (among many other related activities) we held a workshop on environmental sustainability across the College, mapping the many areas of work being led by students, educators and families across the College, as we seek to tell our story on environmental sustainability for our anniversary year, and beyond.
[fa icon="calendar'] 4 Dec 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, future of education, UWC mission, #globalgoals, SGD13
On 3 December, we welcomed representatives from the Singapore Building and Construction Authority (BCA) to Dover to receive Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy certifications for both our campuses. While we are honoured to be the only international school in Singapore to achieve this award, it is a powerful testimony to the long term vision, commitment and entrepreneurial spirit of our staff and students to our mission of building a sustainable future.
[fa icon="calendar'] 14 Oct 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, community, UWC mission
I will keep this blog short, but sweet - in recognition of the school break, and the many other things occupying your time and energies, including, I hope, the opportunity to spend more time with your family.
[fa icon="calendar'] 21 Sep 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, community, partnerships, UWC mission, #globalgoals, #NationsUnited
Happy UWC Day to the UWCSEA community!
I see examples every day in our community of unity and purpose, of supportive collaborative partnerships, of our values in action, as we work to fulfill our mission for our students, past, present and future.
[fa icon="calendar'] 7 Aug 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, 50th anniversary, community, partnerships
These are extraordinary times and we are all part of a truly extraordinary community.
[fa icon="calendar'] 29 Jun 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in antiracism, uwc values, unconscious bias
For many of us, this summer will be like no other – as our ability to travel for holidays is constrained and as we face continued separation from our extended family and friends outside Singapore. I am planning a short staycation, hopefully together with both of my daughters if travel restrictions ease sufficiently.
I am internationalist by conviction, with a lifelong commitment to social responsibility, service and building trust and understanding. My family continues to be a guiding force in shaping my approach to the world. I am humbled to serve the UWCSEA community in my role as the College’s first President.
[fa icon="phone"] +65 6775 5344
[fa icon="envelope"] president@uwcsea.edu.sg
[fa icon="home"] Dover Campus 1207 Dover Road, Singapore 139654
[fa icon="home"] East Campus 1 Tampines Street 73, Singapore 528704