Humanity Must Prevail
[fa icon="calendar'] 1 Mar 2022 / by Carma Elliot posted in education for peace, UWC mission, #NationsUnited, sustainable future
Urgent and Important
[fa icon="calendar'] 26 Jan 2022 / by Carma Elliot posted in partnerships, UWC mission, #NationsUnited, gender equity, sustainable future
United We Can
[fa icon="calendar'] 21 Sep 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, community, partnerships, UWC mission, #globalgoals, #NationsUnited
Happy UWC Day to the UWCSEA community!
I see examples every day in our community of unity and purpose, of supportive collaborative partnerships, of our values in action, as we work to fulfill our mission for our students, past, present and future.