The importance of storytelling
25 Feb 2021 / by Carma Elliot posted in community, #storytelling
I have been spending a lot of time recently reflecting on leadership qualities which I value, both as a leader and in my colleagues. This week, I have been reflecting on storytelling as a key skill: it is how leaders influence, how they reach people in ways that help them to understand, enable them to remember, and inspire them to act and change behaviours.
I have not in the past been much into personal anniversaries: they always felt rather over-indulgent to me. But, in the past few years, I have become a big fan of marking achievements and major milestones, and celebrating those things which I have invested time and energy into.
'Tis the season to be joyful
21 Dec 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in 50th anniversary, community, future of education
A final message before the festive break.
On 15 December, we formally launched the planning for UWCSEA’s 50th anniversary, which we celebrate next school year. We chose that date as it was the 49th anniversary of the day that former Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew opened the College.
Our Community, Our Scholars
14 Oct 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, community, UWC mission
I will keep this blog short, but sweet - in recognition of the school break, and the many other things occupying your time and energies, including, I hope, the opportunity to spend more time with your family.
“May we live long and share the beauty of the moon together, even though we are hundreds of miles apart.”
United We Can
21 Sep 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, community, partnerships, UWC mission, #globalgoals, #NationsUnited
Happy UWC Day to the UWCSEA community!
I see examples every day in our community of unity and purpose, of supportive collaborative partnerships, of our values in action, as we work to fulfill our mission for our students, past, present and future.
Extraordinary is what we (together) make it
7 Aug 2020 / by Carma Elliot posted in uwc values, 50th anniversary, community, partnerships
These are extraordinary times and we are all part of a truly extraordinary community.